Title of Project: The window of Yueqing East China Sea
Location: Yueqing, Zhejiang, China
Time of Design: Dec. 2021
Site Area (m2):52446
Floor Area (m2):47600 m2
Note: This project is the work of the chief architect during the period of UAD
项目名称: 乐清东海之窗
项目地点: 浙江乐清市
用地面积:52446 m2
建筑面积:47600 m2
The window of Yueqing East China Sea project is a new lifestyle model for urban life in Yueqing in the next ten years, and it is the landmark of the new city in the entire Shenglitang area. The buildings are composed of urban public buildings such as the media centre, science and technology museum, planning exhibition center, aquarium and cultural performance center. The design treats these buildings as a continuous entirety, and the coherent building group together with the central lake creates a unique urban landmark in the new city. The design idea comes from the declaration of "Better City, Better Life", which not only meets the basic functional requirements of each architecture but also emphasizes the creation of urban public space: an outdoor connecting corridor that can shelter from wind and rain; outdoor commercial booths facing the central lake outdoor commercial booths; sunny beaches for people to enter at will and an empty outdoor art stage, etc.