Title of Project: Zhejiang Agriculture and Business College
Location: Beijing, China
Time of Design: May. 2022
Site area(m2): 60893 m2
Floor Area (m2):86470 m2
项目名称: 浙江茶业学院
项目地点: 浙江绍兴
用地面积:60893 m2
建筑面积:86470 m2
This brand new vocational school aims to develop leading talents for tea-related companies. The entire project is located in a beautiful rural field, and the site is divided into two parts, east and west, by a flood discharge channel running through the north and south. We focus on the characteristics of the vocational school education model, centring on the overall layout strategy with practical training as the core. The centre’s first floor is a "training factory", which connects various functions like teaching, public services, sports, etc. The actual ground activity layer was raised, and the two parts of the site were sewn together. On the other hand, our design also draws on the spiritual connotation of the growth of tea trees, makes full use of the terrain features of the site, builds a campus courtyard space with rich layers, and incorporates the beautiful external environmental vision into the campus landscape.
这是一所全新的职业学校,它的目标是为茶业相关的企业培养领军人才。整个项目选址于风景优美的乡村田野中,用地被南北贯穿的泄洪渠分成东西两个部分。 我们着眼于职业学校教育模式的特点,围绕实训演练为核心的总体布局策略,中心首层为“实训工厂”,它将各个教学、公共服务、体育等功能串联起来,真正的地面活动层被抬高,也缝合了整个用地东西两个部分。另一层面,我们的设计也汲取了茶树生长的精神内涵,充分利用场地的地形特点,依山就势,构建层次丰富的校园院落空间,将优美的外部环境视野纳入到校园景观中来。