Title of Project: River Mountain B&B
Location: Kaihua County, Zhejiang, China
Time of Design: Jan.2020-Mar.2020
Site Area (m2):670m2
Floor Area (m2):1258 m2
项目名称: 溪山行民宿
项目地点: 浙江开化县
建筑面积:1258 m2
The form of the house is derived from the natural and social environment in which it is located. How to build a high-quality homestay in an ordinary, modernized, and mediocre village with mediocre landscape and cultural resources, is the key issue we will face in this design. To build a building on such a base, the outstanding natural resources will inevitably lead to a lot of landscape sorting, resulting in increased costs, and ultimately due to the need for quality privacy, the building will become an island, an enclave. The visitor arrived at the hotel, stayed and left the next day, without any active interaction with the local residents. This is what we hope to change. Through the deliberate treatment of architectural space, we hope to create a public character of a country square on the site of the homestay and become a gathering place for children and the elderly, where visitors and locals can meet and talk naturally.