Title of Project: Renaissance Castle LakeHotel
Location: Linan, Zhejiang, China
Time of Design: Apr.2018
Floor Area (m2):60000
Sate: Under construction
项目名称 青山湖万丽酒店
项目地点 浙江临安
设计时间 2018.04
Our design is rooted in the profound historical origins of China, intending to create a quiet, far-reaching, natural
and comfortable vacation experience in the excellent natural environment of the site, citing the local traditions of the fusion of the north and the south and organizing the space system with the help of traditional garden architecture. The main body of the building is developed based on the rigorous axis space system of the northern royal buildings. With the help of space changes and streamlined extensions, it naturally transitions into a freehand leisure and living courtyard of Jiangnan private gardens on both wings. Through the combination of the two traditional spaces, a multi-level viewing line of sight is formed inside the building complex, and the natural mountain scenery around the site is fully utilized. And the hotel itself will also become a rich stroke in this "natural picture".我们的设计,植根于中国深厚的历史渊源,立意在基地优异的自然环境中,援引南北交融的地方传统,借助传统园林建筑组织空间体系,希望营造出宁静深远,自然安逸的度假感受。建筑主体以北方皇家建筑严谨的轴线空间体系展开,借助空间变幻和流线延伸,自然过渡为两翼的江南私家园林写意的休憩生活院落。通过两种传统空间的结合,在建筑群内部形成多层次的观景视线,并充分利用基地周边的自然山色。而酒店自身,亦将成为这“天然图画”中浓墨重彩的一笔。